The Pros and Cons of Hiring People with Criminal Records

Fair Chance Hiring, also known as Ban the Box, is a hiring policy that removes the question about criminal history from job applications and delays background checks until later in the hiring process. Here are some of the pros and cons of using Fair Chance Hiring for those with criminal records:


  • Increased Access to Employment: By removing the question about criminal history from job applications, individuals with criminal records have a better chance of getting their foot in the door for an interview. This can increase access to employment for a historically marginalized group and reduce recidivism rates.

  • Improved Diversity in the Workforce: Fair Chance Hiring policies can help to reduce barriers to employment for people of color, who are disproportionately impacted by the criminal justice system. This can result in a more diverse and representative workforce.

  • Fairer Hiring Process: By delaying background checks until later in the hiring process, employers can give candidates a fairer chance to showcase their qualifications and skills. This can prevent discrimination based on criminal history and ensure that individuals are evaluated based on their abilities and potential for success.


  • Increased Risk for Employers: By delaying background checks, employers may take on increased risk if they hire individuals with criminal records who are not suitable for the job. This can impact the safety and well-being of other employees and customers.

  • Difficulty in Evaluating Criminal History: Without access to criminal history information during the early stages of the hiring process, employers may have difficulty evaluating the risks associated with a candidate's criminal record. This can make it harder for them to make informed hiring decisions.

  • Potential for Legal Challenges: Employers may face legal challenges if they reject a candidate based on their criminal history, as this can be seen as discrimination. Employers must be careful to consider each candidate's criminal history on a case-by-case basis and ensure that their decisions are based on a legitimate business necessity.

While Fair Chance Hiring policies can provide increased access to employment for those with criminal records and result in a more diverse and representative workforce, they also come with potential risks and challenges for employers. Companies should carefully consider the pros and cons of Fair Chance Hiring and implement policies that balance the interests of all stakeholders.