Questions to Ask New Employees in the First 30 Days
Photo by Edmond Dantès from Pexels
When you onboard new employees it is important to understand the first 30 days are the most uncomfortable for them. It is during this time they are most vulnerable to leaving. The main thing you should be doing is asking them questions soon after they arrive to uncover potential problems that might cause turnover.
Make sure they know they can speak freely. These are the questions we suggest:
Why do you think we selected you as an employee?
What has been going well? What are the highlights of your experiences so far?
Now that you have been here a while, what do you like best about the job and our organization?
Are there differences in the organization from what we explained it would be like?
Has your supervisor clearly explained what the company expects of you?
Do you feel comfortable asking questions of your supervisor and co-workers?
Which co-workers have been helpful since you arrived?
What do you feel you still need to learn to grow personally and to be successful?
Have you had any uncomfortable situations with supervisors, co-workers, or customers?
These are important because they can help you hone your onboarding process, retain employees and prevent having to start the costly process of rehiring.