Are You Winning the Race for Talent?
With millions of open jobs and not enough workers to fill them, employers are struggling to attract talent. At the end of 2021, there were over 10 million job openings according to the most recent data from the labor department. That’s a lot of competition!
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
So how can your business compete? One way you can address the problem is by streamlining your hiring process to bring talent in faster.
Here are some steps you can take:
Streamline your overall job application timeline. Gone are the days when you could spend weeks prodding and poking a candidate to see if they are the right fit
Your job ad needs to focus on the positive aspects of working for your company. Culture is key and job seekers can afford to be picky, so really sell your business
Job ads need to be short enough to be easily read on a cell phone, on no more than two to three screens
The application should take no more than three minutes to complete so keep the information you request to a minimum
Consider a phone call immediately upon receipt of the application if they meet your criteria. Waiting for several candidates to apply before your review is a mistake
Keep your interview rounds to one or two and be prepared to offer the right person a job on the spot
Don’t assume that appearing in your Applicant Tracking System means they really applied. Some companies with databases of resumes may use keyword matches to “apply.”
Use texting to contact applicants, especially for entry-level positions. Since over 60% of people are applying using their phones this is a great tactic.
The war for talent is real. Make sure your processes are best prepared to help you win that war.