Do you have an employee referral program as part of your hiring process?

Photo by Jopwell from Pexels

Photo by Jopwell from Pexels

Do you still believe that most of your candidates are going to be coming from advertising on job boards? This is no longer the case. Research now shows employee referrals drive a significant amount of hires. This is great news because employee referral programs do not have to cost a lot.

Some of the benefits of having an employee referral program:

  • You will have a higher quality applicant. Generally, your employees are not going to stick their necks out and refer someone that is going to cause you problems in the future.

  • Employees that refer people are usually bonded to the company and will stay longer. This means you are going to have lower turnover.

  • If you use external recruiters this is an obvious cost-saving. If you use internal recruiters this is an obvious time saver.

How do I get started?

  • The first step is to set a budget. This can be anywhere from $100 for a lower-level employee, to thousands of dollars for higher-level employees.

  • Leverage social media.  Share open positions using social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.

  • Be sure to encourage employees to get the word out about open positions. Nothing incentivizes people quite like a bonus.